Why love a writer?

They say, one should not fall in love with a writer,

they’ll love writing, more than they’ll love you

they are fragile-broken individuals

with hollow hearts


but I daresay to fall in love with us,

writers are fragile and vulnerable by choice

we chose to tell the world our woes

not because we are weak but because it helps us grow


the life of a writer lies within the unorthodox,

their world revolves within a pen and paper

yet they know how to fit the universe

through words in colored ink and papers


they conceal the seeds of frailty

and seek love in between words

with that, they find the quintessence

of being alive in the most ordinary way


they know that life’s miracles can be found within the mundane

a writer can be sad, or miserable but never weak

for they are able to write how they feel

and not be afraid for the world to read.

5 responses to “Why love a writer?”

  1. Wow! I’ve just flicked through some of your other poems and you have such a talent for writing! Your poems are absolutely beautiful and I can’t wait to read more!!! Followed!

    Liked by 1 person

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